Based on real life incidents.
1) Disfellowshipped person (me) - meets them on cart (pre covid) - they aren't supposed to talk to me. But I get a big hug, huge smiles and they say 'we want you back, we want you back.'
2) Disfellowshipped person (me) - meets them on cart (pre covid) - they aren't supposed to talk to me. They stuff their noses in the air and turn the other way.
To the first one I say, "I am still the same person I was. I have been lied about and you have been lied to. There are lots of us who have realised the Watchtower Organisation tells lies. When you are ready to leave, you'll find you we are all here just waiting for you. You will never be alone or abandoned. Don't be afraid to leave."
If appropriate go and get them coffee or hot chocolate or something nice they like.
To the second one, I say nothing and just shake my head in disbelief and they get NO COFFEE.